Monday, 30 September 2013

Vegan Mango Cupcakes...

Or should I say, my competition! Good grief. No sooner did these come out of the oven than my better half (a mango fiend) came slobbering.

I iced a hot cupcake (tsk tsk, I know) and watched her devour it amongst a sea of grunts and groans. At one point she even scraped the wrapper on her teeth grasping for one last taste. 

I think they're a hit! 

Here is them in their naked glory...

And iced...

I really need to work on my "finishing" skills. I fucking hate the work that is required for proper icing. Even filling a ziplock and piping it annoys me. Why does this have to be so complicated? As you can see I use the "smash on icing with a spatula" method. Works for me!

Also. I wish I had the ability to make 24 cupcakes at a time. 12 seems so insufficient for the amount of people I'd like to share with. 

I believe that's what we like to call "First World Problems". 

Recipe Link:

'Tis The Season...

For soup! There is nothing like a hearty bowl of soup to ease the woes of the day, especially as we head into drizzly dreary weather. 

Also, soup is so easy to make! I mean you can throw just about any leftover into a cup of broth, immersion blend the hell out of it and call it soup. 

That's basically what I did for tonight's dinner. Creamy red pepper and tomato soup with garlic, shallots, oregano and basil. (Unsweetened almond milk for the creaminess...)

Topped with some rye crackers. Perfect dinner for an otherwise gong-show kind of day. 

And when I'm done, tonight's adventure is vegan mango cupcakes with mango cream cheese icing. 

Stay tuned! 

Recipe (More/Less)
1tbsp of olive oil
3 shallots sliced
1 red pepper chopped
3 large tomatoes diced
1 tsp each dried basil & oregano
1 cup vegetable stock
1/2 cup almond milk (unsweetened)
1 tsp apple cider vinegar

Basically in the oil sautee the red pepper and shallots. Add in the vinegar, garlic and spices. Then add tomato and stock and bring to a boil. Immersion blend it then add the almond milk and boil again. Simmer and enjoy!

Sunday, 29 September 2013

Yet another blogger...

To be honest, I think the idea of blogging is a little weird. To think that anyone gives a shit what I have to say, or the food I cook is a little strange to me. So if no one reads this it's ok. 

I'm not entirely sure what this blog is going to be about but I can safely say the following:

-Food. Vegan food to be exact. Some raw, some not. There may be a smattering of non-vegan foods because I often cook for others. 

-Travel. While I don't get to travel to as many exotic places as I'd like anymore (kids will do that I hear...) it will always be a passion of mine. In the meantime we are always road-tripping all over. And of course the food I eat while traveling.

-Adventure. Or should I say "adventure". Cross country skiing. Snow shoeing. Hiking. Biking. 

-Pets. Sorry folks, can't escape Internet cats that easily. I have two cats and a dog. They provide me with endless entertainment. And now they will to you, too.

I guess that's all I can commit to for now.

I don't want to write about things in the past, but I'll end this with some pics of the foods I have already made. 

Raw Vegan Pad Thai:

Raw Vegan Collard Green Tacos:

Costa Rican Salad:

Toffee Apple Pie (So very un-vegan): 

Cheers ya'll.
